Jeffrey Epstein: Exposing a Millionaire Pedophile

Free-Them - Exposing a Millionaire Pedophile

Especially in recent months, Jeffrey Epstein has become a common name in the fight against trafficking and child sexual exploitation and for good reason.  If you have not yet heard of this man or watched any related documentaries or news stories, he is not someone to look up to, that’s for sure.  However, he is someone whose name and actions are worth being familiar with.  To those in the know, his persona most commonly triggers disgust, disbelief, shock, even anger.  You might consider him one of the most famous and powerful pedophiles to date.  The purpose of retelling his story is not to keep his memory, but to inform, to trigger awareness, to help generate understanding of what is going on in our world, where and how pedophilia and trafficking are happening, to further understand predators and how they fall under law and who is vulnerable to them.

Alright, so what is the deal with this Epstein guy?  Jeffrey Epstein began his professional life as a teacher despite never graduating from neither the college program nor the university program he had been enrolled in.  He later transitioned into finance and became extremely wealthy as he started managing money for the uber rich.  He also began associating himself with folks like former US President Bill Clinton, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and Prince Andrew.  He was also constantly surrounded by very young, attractive women.  Eventually, he became involved in a long-term relationship with British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell whose father, Robert Maxwell, was a media proprietor, MP and fraudster and she became a great connector for Jeffrey.  

In 2003, journalist Vicky Ward was asked to write a society piece on Epstein in Vanity Fair.  As she was gathering information, a source had come forward providing some very troublesome allegations regarding Jeffrey.  The source’s younger sister declared that he had abused her when she was underage.  This was just the beginning of how the truth about Epstein’s secret, sexual exploits was to be exposed.  The two sisters, Annie and Maria Farmer, later became some of the key witnesses in the Epstein trials.  

In 2005, Florida police began an investigation following a complaint from a parent whose 14-year-old daughter was sexually abused by Epstein.  According to investigations as well as witness and victim statements, Jeffrey Epstein had trafficked and solicited underage girls for sex for a number of years.  He had brought them to his island, coined “Epstein Island” (actually, Little Saint James in the Virgin Islands) where they were sexually exploited by himself as well as his friends.  He had flown the young girls to and from countries, as long lists of flight records from his jet “The Lolita Express” have revealed.  Epstein communicated with traffickers around the world, most heavily with those located in Europe and the United States.  He would also bring some of the girls along with him as he flew out of the U.S. for meetings and social events.  He also lured high-school and college girls to his home and into his life with promises of money, at times even paying for their education and travel expenses if he wanted them around him for more than a day, all of course for his own benefit.  Epstein allegedly trafficked the young girls among his friends as well (apparently Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew were also listed by victims) and even his girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, molested the girls on numerous occasions.  Many of the victims spoke out against Ghislaine, namely that she had also been a participant in the sex acts and that she was a key asset in aiding Jeffrey bait them.  Just last week, Ghislaine was arrested by the FBI for her involvement in this trafficking and sexual exploitation scandal.  The pair had no remorse for their actions and Jeffrey was literally a sex addict with nude paintings and pictures hung throughout his home, at times molesting numerous women in the span of just one day.  

During trial, Epstein had claimed the girls he victimized were prostitutes.  Other than the lie itself of course, there are major issues with making such claims.  It devictimizes the young girls he preyed upon and considering he had been deemed a powerful and respectable individual in society, it is easier for him to create the illusion that the girls are the ones the law should also be after, considering his claim of them being part of an illegal business and thus discounting his actual role.  Throughout his court cases, Epstein thoroughly abused his freedom to quote the Fifth Amendment right.  This amendment to the United States Constitution provides the defendant with the right to refuse to answer questions in order to avoid incriminating oneself.  His initial penalty in 2008 for procuring an underage girl for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute lasted only 13 months.  He had been convicted at that time for only these two charges as part of a plea deal.  Fortunately, following his first stint in jail, albeit a very liberal one during which he was still permitted to leave for work (12 hours a day, 6 days a week), lawyers and investigators for the numerous victims continued gathering evidence and fighting to bring the justice that was deserved.  He was finally arrested on July 6, 2019 on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors in the states of Florida and New York.  On August 10, 2019 he allegedly committed suicide by hanging in his cell.  According to the autopsy performed by Dr. Michael Baden, a forensic pathologist, Epstein did not hang himself but was strangled and he considers the death a homicide.  Others claim the injuries observed in the bones on his back as well as a broken hyoid bone are common signs of neck trauma and thus do not necessarily rule out a suicide.  How does a high-profile inmate apparently kill himself weeks after having been placed on suicide watch?   What if he was indeed murdered to be prevented from incriminating others involved in his clique of child abusers?  The hope is that the inevitable trial of Ghislaine Maxwell will shed some new light on this case and will bring other perpetrators and co-conspirators to justice.

Epstein is not the only “elite pedophile” as they have been termed.  It is actually hard to believe that he has been the only one in his circle held accountable so far for participating in these heinous acts.  It is also hard to believe that other than Ghislaine Maxwell, no one in his circle would have known what he was involved in.  Is it perhaps because they were also involved?  From the various documentaries and victim statements, we also know that he was black-mailing his acquaintances: threatening to expose them as sexually deviant whenever there were disagreements in business or other affairs.  He was well known in the elite pedophile circles as the “provider” as he transported the young girls around the world on his jet.  So, who participated?  Who exactly was he blackmailing?  What else can the flight logs reveal?

Children are traded for sex worldwide, daily and across borders and not just among the often stereotyped image of the loner pedophiles sitting in their dark bedrooms surfing the web, but among CEOs, world leaders, bankers, lawyers, doctors, religious figures, police officers – those people we are taught to rely on and those that are supposed to protect us and even guide us.  Therefore, the issue of sexual exploitation and slavery is greater than ever before – those in power are profiting from it; they make the law, own the law and manipulate the law.

A genuinely concerning question is: since justice often seems to not be on the side of victims in circumstances involving defendants in influential positions, how do we bring other powerful pedophiles to pay for their crimes?  Unfortunately, pedophilia goes deeper than Epstein.  Children are traded for sex worldwide, daily and across borders and not just among the often stereotyped image of the loner pedophiles sitting in their dark bedrooms surfing the web, but among CEOs, world leaders, bankers, lawyers, doctors, religious figures, police officers – those people we are taught to rely on and those that are supposed to protect us and even guide us.  Therefore, the issue of sexual exploitation and slavery is greater than ever before – those in power are profiting from it; they make the law, own the law and manipulate the law.  As we have seen in the Epstein case, powerful and wealthy figures hire powerful lawyers and are supported by their powerful friends, regardless of their actions.  It is truly mind-boggling that these horrific and disgusting practices are so rampant in society and most perpetrators are overlooked or receive a simple and lazy slap on the wrist.  Only when traffickers of children and molesters of children are seriously, consistently and fairly held accountable for their actions with significant penalties of incarceration and when the laws against these crimes are justly upheld, will the victims receive some reparation.  

If you are or believe you have identified someone in a trafficking situation, you can take action.  Call 911 immediately to notify local law enforcement. You may also call the human trafficking hotlines in Canada and the United States by dialling the numbers below. Both hotlines are open 24/7/365 days of the year and provide services in over 200 languages.  

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline 


United States Trafficking Hotline 
